20 rugby jokes to make you laugh – or groan - Page 4 of 4 - Ruck

20 rugby jokes to make you laugh – or groan

16. Snow White was returning from town to the cottage in the forest where she lived with the 7 dwarfs. In the distance she could see smoke, then as she got nearer she realised that her cottage had burnt down. Frantically, Snow White searched the forest for the dwarfs, then she heard a a lone voice saying, “Scotland for the World Cup, Scotland for the World Cup, Wales for the World Cup.”

On hearing this chant, Snow White gave a gasp of relief as she knew that at least Dopey was safe.

17. There’s a fine line between success and failure in international rugby. It’s called Hadrian’s wall.

18. Once you’ve seen one rugby joke, you’ve seen a maul.

19. I had a go at rugby the other day….I thought I was doing pretty well but all everyone kept saying was, “Nice try,”… Condescending bastards.

20. Two Tongans, two Fijians, and a Samoan walk into a bar.
The barman says, well done on your selection for the All Blacks Rugby World Squad Cup, lads.