41. Swing Louw
42. Taking the Lawes into his own hands
43. Hawaii Try-O
44. Te’o and Biscuits
45. The Faz is mightier than the Ford
46. Game, Set and Snatch RFC
47. Get your Kitshoff
48. Grassy Nowells
49. Global Bro Sports Ltd RFC
50, Hook, Line and Sinckler
51. My Hits Don’t Lie
52. Hit and Run
53. The Faz is mightier than the Ford
54. Taking the Lawes into his own hands
55. Ruck off… and leave me alone..
56. Taking Lawes into my own hand
57. Stone Genge
58. Nowell you see me Nowell you don’t
59. My Sexton’s on fire
60. Lock, Prop and two smoking Farrells