LISTEN: Brian Moore's brilliant rant at academics who call for tackling to be banned in schools - Ruck

LISTEN: Brian Moore’s brilliant rant at academics who call for tackling to be banned in schools

Stay tuned to the end to hear Brian’s BIG rant after two academics from the Institute of Health at Newcastle University advised that tackling and the scrum should be removed from schools rugby.
Here’s a sample of Brian’s exasperation:

“What you have to do is make a sober assessment to weigh the risks versus the benefits… here there is no attempt to do so…. which makes it a disingenuous point of view.

“Everything Professor Pollock does is selective. There is no balance. If you ban tackling in schools rugby then you put adults at greater risk of serious injury (very much paraphrased).

“For these professors to call for this measure without addressing the consequences is scandalous.”