#4. Penalising players with hands on the floor to support body weight
Players who put their hands on the floor at tackles, rucks and mauls are subject to sanction, although judgement can be used if the player is using the ground briefly to maintain their own balance and stability.
Law definitions and relevant clauses
- Off feet: Players are off their feet when any other part of the body is supported by the ground or players on the ground.
- On feet: Players are on their feet if no other part of their body is supported by the ground or players on the ground.
- Tackle law 14.8a Other players must: Remain on their feet and release the ball and the ball-carrier immediately, and 14.8b Remain on their feet when they play the ball.
- Ruck law 15.12: Players must endeavour to remain on their feet throughout the ruck
- Maul law 16.9: All other players in a maul must endeavour to stay on their feet.