#4. France: Stade de France
Warburton: “It’s a beautiful stadium with lovely big changing rooms, really grand, very French as you can imagine.
“That was probably the single most hostile place to play. A lot of the Welsh and Scottish fans sing but they just seem to shout. It’s very hostile and aggressive. The most intimidating place I found was actually the Stade de France.”
Care: “When France are on it, I don’t think I’ve heard noise like it. But when they’re off, it’s worse than Twickenham – they will boo their own team and whistle.”
#3. Scotland: Murrayfield
Care: “When you get off that bus at Murrayfield and they are so close to the bus calling you all the names under the sun… we’ve had bottles thrown at us, we’ve been doused in beer.
“Scotland, when you get there you do feel a genuine hatred that those people want you to get hurt. I don’t have many great memories from playing at Murrayfield and I think the fans play a massive part in that because they make it horrible and they make it uncomfortable.”
Warburton: “I love the stadium and even though it’s old, it’s unchanged from when I used to watch rugby as a kid. I love the friendly Celtic rivalry, the history, the bagpipes… the stadium is old but it’s unique.”