#05 Alison Fox - Ruck

#05 Alison Fox

#inspire – celebrating female referee’s in rugby

Alison Fox has been a rugby union referee for the last 4 years.

She played women’s rugby for Wimbledon in the 90s and now coaches girl’s rugby teams alongside officiating games.

In collaboration with our partners at ACME Whistles, we met up with Alison to chat about how rugby has given her confidence, what motivates her and her passion for increasing the number of women within the sport.

Can you tell us a little about your relationship with rugby?

I played women’s rugby for Wimbledon in the 90’s then at Chester more recently. I now coach girls’ rugby, am 5th or 4th official for Chester first team and am the membership secretary at my local referee society.

I moved to referring as I still want to participate in my favourite sport and am passionate about increasing our female contingent.

What was your first experience as a Match Official like?

Scary, but a close friend is a ref and with his support it gave me the confidence to keep going. It’s very daunting at the start but practice and a good support network makes the transition better.

Tell us about your most memorable officiating moment to date.

Refereeing a women’s game at an international tournament at Preston grasshoppers. I had 2 AR’s to support me and had great feedback afterwards from one of the Lancashire assessors.

Who inspired you to take up the whistle?

My friend Chris inspired me to take up the whistle due to my desire to remain part of the game I love.

What motivates you to referee?

As referees, we enable the games to take place. I love seeing the passion amongst the players and I feel I build a good rapport with them. I referee mostly men’s games and feel safe and respected.

In a few words, please tell us what it means to you to be a positive role model and INSPIRE other women and girls to get in to refereeing

It means everything to me. Rugby is a games for everyone and if I can play a part in that then I am a happy lady.

If you’re feeling inspired to take up the whistle, find out more about becoming a Match Official here: keepyourbootson.co.uk/referee-toolkit/supporting-match-officials-female/