"Absolutely rapid" - The five fastest 2023 Rugby World Cup players - Ruck

“Absolutely rapid” – The five fastest 2023 Rugby World Cup players

The Rugby World Cup has always been a stage for the most exceptional talents to showcase their skills and athleticism.

Among the various attributes that make rugby players stand out, speed is undoubtedly one of the most electrifying.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of rapid rugby and highlight the five fastest players from the Rugby World Cup, each bringing their unique flair to the global stage.

  1. Henry Arundell (England):

Kicking off our list at number five is the English speedster, Henry Arundell. Known for his blistering pace on the wing, Arundell has the ability to leave defenders in the dust. His acceleration off the mark is nothing short of remarkable, and he possesses a keen rugby IQ that allows him to exploit gaps in the opposition’s defense. England fans can always count on Arundell to be a genuine threat on the outside.