Back in 2017, The Telegraph predicted these four players would make the Lions squad for 2021... - Ruck

Back in 2017, The Telegraph predicted these four players would make the Lions squad for 2021…

Back in 2017, The Telegraph’s website gazed into their crystal ball and lodged their prediction as to which players would go on to make up the British & Irish Lions 2021 squad.

Normally we wouldn’t be so sniffy about rubbish predictions as viewed in glorious 20-20 hindsight (Christ knows we’ve cocked up enough of our own over the years!) but it’s the Telegraph, so…y’know…sod ’em!

Take a look of the squad they picked here.

1. Sam Warburton (Wales)

What they said: “Stepping down for the Six Nations brought him back to form as aplayer. Would be hard to leave out.”

What happened since: The flanker hung up his boots soon after the tour as battered body finally broke down. It’s fair to say the only capacity he will be touring with the Lions, could be in a coaching role.