Ellis Genge gives his hilarious view on people stock-buying toilet roll - Ruck

Ellis Genge gives his hilarious view on people stock-buying toilet roll

Toilet roll stock is running low across the country as shoppers stockpile amid coronavirus fears.

Hand sanitiser, toilet roll and pasta are among the items being panic-bought as the virus affects the UK supply chain.

One person who rugby fans can always rely on for a laugh is England and Leicester prop Ellis Genge, and he’s delivered once again when tweeting about what’s been going on.

He tweeted: “People are on some madness didn’t actually think I wouldn’t be able to find toilet roll. Wiping my ass with oxygen, dickheads.”

16 of Genge’s most hilarious tweets: Custard Creams, Muller Corners and downing pints

Never change, Ellis Genge!

1. An awful joke to start!

2. This was a fact

3. This promotion

4. How teams should spend their downtime