Remembering Matt Dawson and England stars hilarious version of Haka - Ruck

Remembering Matt Dawson and England stars hilarious version of Haka

Back in 2015, Matt Dawson and the Battersea Ironsides RFC were signed up by menswear retailer Jacamo for a choreographed spoof of the New Zealanders’ fearsome pre-match routine.

Performing the ‘Hakarena’ requires four simple steps consisting of arm slaps, legs slaps, chest slaps and a hip wriggle to the specially created music track.

One fan wrote: “I wish England would do this against New Zealand just to the sake of it.”

“Amusing? Yes. Disrespectful? Yes.” commented another.

A third added: “Shockingly bad. Dawson needs to have a word with his agent about this one.”