"Shape of his life" - 2003 Rugby World Cup winner shows off stunning body transformation - Ruck

“Shape of his life” – 2003 Rugby World Cup winner shows off stunning body transformation

The rigorous dietary and training regimes that rugby players follow during their careers often do not end when they retire.

However, not all players choose to maintain their healthy lifestyle after their playing days are over. Many tend to drink, party, eat unhealthily or avoid the gym, resulting in a decline in their fitness.

Nonetheless, there are still retired rugby players such as World Cup winner Neil Back who have managed to keep themselves in top physical condition.

In fact, these players' fitness levels put many 20- and 30-somethings to shame.

#1. Neil Back - 54

Moving into the fast-paced world of financial services and keeping up with the stream of ambassadorial roles, media commitments and speaking engagements Champions Celebrity secures on his behalf, Neil fell out of the training habit he’d been in for the majority of his life.

But then a chance conversation with his daughter’s Strength & Conditioning coach changed everything as he got back into the gym