Six Nations captains ranked by how much fun they'd be on a night out - Ruck

Six Nations captains ranked by how much fun they’d be on a night out

What does the Six Nations and British Pubs have in common? 

Well, sadly, they’re both shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic and it remains to be seen when either live rugby or enjoying a pint with your mates will be back on the table.

Inspired by an article from Give Me Sport, we rank them from 6-1.

6. Johnny Sexton (Ireland)

This is why pubs have coffee machines now. Strap yourselves in for some quiet chats around a cappuccino that you just have to imagine real hard is an Irish coffee. Persuade Johnny to the club and he’ll tell the DJ to ‘turn the music down’, before dialling a noise complaint to the police.

5. Alun Wyn Jones (Wales)

The type of guy to see his mate throwing up against a wall, run over to give him an emotional team talk and applaud him for showing ‘great character’ when they miraculously make it past the bouncer again. Sets a strict 2am curfew and sticks to it every single time.