24 best Nick 'Honey Badger' Cummins quotes of all-time - Ruck

24 best Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins quotes of all-time

Best Honey Badger quotes. Australian rugby player Nick Cummins is known for his colourful language — here are some of his best quotes.

Best Honey Badger Quotes

1. “The flamboyant French? They look all right. They have a good style about them with their hairdos. I might take a few pointers and go to a stylist to sort myself out. A few of the boys tell me I look a bit ordinary at times.”

2. “Sweatin’ like a gypsy with a mortgage, actually.”

3. “My old man woke me up in the morning. He was going off like a bag of cats.”

4. “I’m gonna have a truckload of pudding and uh, old mum’s good on the cook too so, dad’s got the tucker ready over there and mum and dad are gonna work together and form a massive feed and err, I’m gonna come in and dominate it.”

5. “Last year we were all sizzle and no steak, but now we’re off like a brides nightie.”