‘Get the f- down!’ - Three brilliant stories from James Haskell's new book - Ruck

‘Get the f— down!’ – Three brilliant stories from James Haskell’s new book

Following on from his bestselling What A Flanker, the rugby star delivers more rip-roaring sporting stories from his career in his trademark no-holds-barred style.

RUCK ME dives into some of his funniest sporting career stories to date, each tale more outrageous than the next.

Straight talking, articulate and not without Haskell’s trademark wit, this book reveals all you’ve ever wanted to know – and probably more than you’ve ever wanted to know – about the antics of a professional rugby player.

The book is available from here.

#1. Eddie Jones opening line to him

The former England international revealed that Jones was one of his favourite coaches, and their banterous relationship started from their very first meeting.

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Haskell wrote: “At the end of the meeting, Eddie said to me, ‘Hask, what’s your grip strength like?’ I replied, ‘Erm, it’s all right, I think. Why do you ask?’And he shot back with, ‘Because you’re f—— hanging on for dear life, mate’. Everyone started roaring with laughter and he kept on with that sort of stuff throughout that Six Nations.

“I’d play well and he’d say, ‘Hask, you’re doing all right, but you’re hanging on by a couple of fingers now’. Or he’d slam one of those green protein shakes down in front of me, while I was with some other lads, and say, ‘Hask, your training was s— yesterday, mate. You were looking really f—— old. Get some vitamins into you’.”