RUCK Classics: Top 24 best Honey Badger quotes of all-time

RUCK Classics: Top 24 best Honey Badger quotes of all-time

7. “If I get a gig, I’m gonna go off like a cut snake.”

8. “One of the stories that inspires me is that it is documented that a honey badger killed a male lion in a one-on-one,”

9. “He’s a pretty quick rooster alright. You don’t show him the sideline thats for sure.”

10. “He was sweating like a bag of cats at a greyhound meet.”

11. “He was huffin’ and puffin’ and, mate he did well, he always does, he’s a tough rooster.”

12. ‘When we were back in our line here, we were diggin’ like the boys in the trenches at Gallipoli.’