"Never meet your heroes" - Worst Rugby Player Encounters Ever, Ranked - Ruck

“Never meet your heroes” – Worst Rugby Player Encounters Ever, Ranked

Rugby fans on Reddit are actively discussing their experiences with rugby union players they’ve encountered in real life, both positive and negative.

If you’re interested, you can check out the complete thread by clicking here.

Please note that the following stories shared by rugby fans do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone at RUCK.co.uk.

BEST: James Haskell:

One fan wrote: “Met James Haskell while he was filming something at my gym and he was really great.

“He’d been filming for about 5 hours at that point, I believe, so you could tell he was pretty tired but as soon as I walked up he was all smiles, chatting, gave me a compliment and was more than happy to take a picture with my and my buddy.”

A second fan added: “Haskell has a good reputation down in Dunedin, a little too scrappy on the field but seemed to embrace how close the fans were with the Highlanders.

“Seemed like a super nice guy and was good with the kids running upto him brandishing pens.”

James Haskell (England) and Anthony Watson (England) at the end of the game. England v Ireland. RBS 6 Nations. Twickenham Stadium. Twickenham. London. UK. 27/02/2016. ~ MANDATORY CREDIT Garry Bowden/SIPPA/PPAUK – NO UNAUTHORISED USE – +447837 394578

BEST: Schalk Brits (South Africa)

One fan wrote: “Schalk Brits nicest bloke you’ll meet, goes round after every game takes pictures with people chats with them, always smiling.

“One of my fondest memories of him was after we beat Ulster at Ravenhill as he was walking around the pitch one of the Ulster fans gave him the middle finger, Brits walked up to the bloke and shook his hand.”

BEST: Nick Cummins (Australia):

One fan wrote: “Met the Honey Badger after Aus beat us in the Aviva in 2013. I somehow blagged my way into the post match function in the bowels of the stadium. It was actually his old man Mark(?) who made sure Nick stopped and took a photo with me. Couldn’t speak highly enough of the both of em.”

BEST: Jonny Wilkinson (England)

Another added: “On the flight home from the 2003 World Cup, my Mum got him to sign the inflight menu (not kidding).

“He even gave me his official pin badge. What a guy.”

BEST: Donnacha O’Callaghan (Ireland):

A fan commented: “I honestly can’t speak highly enough of this guy! He is probably one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and I’ve met him on a few occasions.

“He always would stop and chat to you after a match and one time he invited my mam and I(12 yo boy) down to meet all the players in the pub after a game vs. Leinster in Dublin even though he had only just met us.

“And another time he stayed out on the pitch so long signing autographs that the stadium announcer had to call him in multiple times and when when this wouldn’t work they sent the security men out to get him (This has actually happened more than once at matches I’ve attended).

“He is such a down to earth and sound guy.”